When it comes to the knee joint, the main joint that comes to mind is the one between the tibia and femur bones, which carry a heavy load. Athletes who put stress on their knees in a bent position, such as runners, jumpers, and cyclists, put excessive pressure on the kneecap. This excessive load causes excessive stress on the cartilage and bone beneath the kneecap, leading to pain. However, it is not necessary to be an athlete for these symptoms to occur. Knee pain can be experienced by a wide range of people, from housewives to office workers.

Knee Pain Symptoms:

  • Pain when going up and down stairs
  • Pain when kneeling
  • Pain when squatting and standing up
  • Pain when sitting for long periods with bent knees

What are the causes of knee pain?

The complex structure of the knee joint is very sensitive. There are many factors that affect anterior knee pain. The relationship between the femur bone surface beneath the kneecap may be structurally turned outward, semi-dislocated, dislocated, or elevated. This causes all the load to be applied to a small area of the kneecap, leading to rapid deterioration of the cartilage in that area.

  • Structural abnormalities in the leg axis
  • Thickening of the medial plica band in the knee, which causes pain when the knee is bent.
  • Injury
  • Excessive training or overloading
  • Imbalances or weaknesses in the leg muscles
  • Flat feet

What can be done to get rid of knee pain?

If you protect your knees from strain, wear and tear, and tearing, especially from the load they carry, knee problems will be reduced.

If you are overweight, try to lose a few pounds.

If you have to kneel for a long time, use knee pads and take frequent breaks to relieve constant pressure.

Avoid squatting and find alternative exercises to running. Activities that do not require hard impact, such as swimming, walking, and cycling, provide the same benefits and are much less stressful on the knees.

Warm up for 5 minutes before exercising. Exercise with proper shoes. Do stretching exercises for the muscles around your knees. Do not suddenly increase the intensity of your exercise. Avoid exercises that put excessive stress on your knees.