What is Kyphosis?
Kyphosis is the condition of an increased curvature or sharper contour of the spine when viewed from the side, often occurring in the thoracic vertebrae of the back, but it can also occur in other areas of the spine due to various etiological factors. The most common causes include developmental
Read moreWhat is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can occur in the thoracic (upper back) or lumbar (lower back) regions. It can occur alone or in conjunction with an abnormal front-to-back curvature called kyphosis (known as kyphoscoliosis). In Turkey, it is estimated that there are over 2 million scoliosis
Read moreSpinal Fractures
Spinal fractures commonly occur following trauma to the spine (such as a fall from a height, motorcycle accident, or sports injury), especially in the thoracolumbar junction, but also in the lumbar-thoracic and cervical spine. The most significant issue associated with this type of injury is damage to the spinal nervous
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